Get the Sniff Vol. 12
Deployment Updates
If you are a follower of our social media you will have noticed that the deployment pace has been higher than usual this year. The K9 teams have been deployed with Texas A&M Task Force 1 and Texas Task Force 2 all over Texas and we just started Hurricane season! Here's a quick snap shot of where the K9s have been so far:
K9 Maui and K9 Mystery responded to the Sandman Hotel Explosion in Fort Worth, TX
K9s Maui, Mystery, Rennes, Finn, Kimber, and Remi and CAT5K9 alumni K9s Pferal, Loki, Canyon, and Taz deployed to support response operations to the wildfires in the Texas Panhandle
K9s Kimber, Remi, and Mystery and CAT5K9 alumni K9 Canyon deployed to support operations after the flooding in East Texas
K9s Kimber, Remi, Rennes, and Finn along with alumni K9 Pferal deployed to support search operations after the tornadoes in Cooke County, TX
K9s Conner, Rennes, and Finn, along with alumni K9 Canyon deployed in response to Tropical Storm Alberto
CAT5K9 alumni K9s Pferal, Loki, Taz, and Canyon, along with K9s Bones, Connor, Kimber, Remi, Rennes, and Finn deployed in response to Hurricane Beryl
Alumni UPdates
K9 Nala (previously Ziva)
K9 Nala and handler Officer Caple finished training and are now certified in narcotics detection. This team is hard at work securing the community of Hot Springs Village, AR.
K9 Meshe
K9 Mese and handler Kitti pass their first FEMA Urban Search and Rescue certification evaluation. They are now deployable through Texas A&M Task Force 1.