Screen a dog

CAT 5 K9 is a small rescue that focuses on dogs that have potential for a working career. This means we can only accept dogs that are the right age, temperament, and drive levels to become working dogs. In order to be considered for CAT 5 K9 we first require the tests described below to be completed.

Complete the Screening Tests

Find a friend or volunteer to help you get videos of your dog completing all of the tests described below. When possible, go to a location the dog has never visited before, like a park, greenbelt, or store. We are not looking for obedience or control, use a longline if needed to keep the dog from running off or if you know they will not easily return the toy. Make sure all extra toys are picked up and put away before you start the tests. You can use a ball or any toy the dog prefers to complete these tests, for example tug toys, squeaky toys, etc are fine.

If you are in Texas and willing to make the drive, you can contact us to set up an appointment for our team to screen the dog in person in Lytle, TX.

Restrained Retrieve Test

One person will maintain control of the dog by holding the leash or collar. Throw the toy a short distance away, still visible to the dog. Once the toy stops moving, let the dog retrieve the toy. Do not encourage the dog until after they have retrieved the toy. Catch the dog and repeat the exercise for a total of 10 retrieves.

One Minute Possession Test

Get the dog engaged with their toy by either playing tug or a few rounds of fetch. Once the dog is engaged with their toy, start the timer and ignore the dog. Stand still, do not look at, or talk to the dog for a full minute. Video what the dog does with the toy while they are being ignored.

Toy Hunt Test

Find a location with vegetation or objects that can be used to hide the location of the toy. One person will restrain the dog by their leash or collar while the toy is thrown. The first time the toy is thrown, the dog will be released as soon as the toy is out of sight. Stay where you are and let the dog search independently without any encouragement. The dog will hunt for the toy 4 times, each time the dog will be restrained for longer before being released to find the toy. The series will be immediate release, 15 second delay, 30 second delay, and finally a 1 minute delay before letting the dog search for the toy.

Environmental Stability Tests

Environmental stability tests can include willingness to walk on unusual or slick surfaces, response to loud unexpected noises, response to dark spaces, reaction to strange dogs entering their field of view, and response to strangers approaching them. Use whatever resources you have available to complete as many of these tests as you are able to.

Still not quite sure? Check out our YouTube channel for examples of other dog’s screening videos.

Courtesy Post

Due to the smaller size of CAT 5 K9, we are not always able to accept every dog, even if the dog is a rock star. In cases where the dog is out of state or we are currently full, we will create a courtesy post of the dog on Facebook and Instagram to help find potential programs and handlers that are currently looking for dogs. CAT 5 K9 also notifies any approved adopters that are looking for dogs that match your dog’s potential. Adoptions for dogs that are courtesy posted are between the owner/rescue and the interested adopter.

Submit the Dog’s Information and Videos

Even if the dog does not do every test perfectly, please contact us because we may have sport handlers or trainers looking for potential demo dogs even if a working career is not likely.

Email the Team.

Submit the dog’s screening test videos to the team for evaluation. Due to the size of most of the screening videos we recommend uploading them to YouTube or a share drive like Google and sharing the link with us. You should include the following information in your email:

  • Dog’s Name & Age

  • Current photo of the dog

  • Current location and ownership (is this your dog, a foster dog, with a shelter/rescue)

  • Any additional information you have about the dog’s personality and temperament

  • Contact information for who we should speak to about the dog