Urban Search and Rescue Operations

Disaster Scene Safety

How to use FEMA’s US&R Scene Safety Establishment checklist before starting search operations at a new location.

Squad Briefing

The things your squad need to be aware of before you start canine search operations.

Hazards in the Field

Keep your canine safe by identifying potential hazards in your search area.

CFTE Canine Decon Course

The Center for Forensic Training and Education has a course on the current best practices for canine decontamination. Make sure you are familiar with the methods and have the necessary materials before you respond.

List of Emergency Veterinary Clinics in Texas

Most canine teams do not deploy with a veterinarian so it’s important to have a plan for what to do in case you have an emergency during a deployment. Not all veterinary clinics are equipped to assist with emergency care so identifying the closest veterinary clinics that can before you start your search. This list above is a good starting point if you are searching anywhere in Texas.